International Treasury Management is the largest gathering for the world’s most senior treasurers. With 4,000 registrants from every corner of the globe, the virtual conference in 2021 surpassed all expectations. Insightful sessions and world-class speakers explored the boundaries of the profession, the future of business and working life, and offer practical case studies on top agenda items
Deutsche Bank´s client sessions at the EuroFinance event 2021:
A total of 50 presentations across six themed stages, as well as ‘big picture’ insights on global economic and geopolitical trends underpinned the 2021 programme. Deutsche Bank contributed to nine insightful and interactive sessions.
Show content of Monday, 27th September
Treasury connected: Optimising stakeholder engagement
New technologies and unprecedented scenarios brought about by the pandemic have transformed the way corporate treasurers are connecting with key stakeholders – from customers to financial partners to suppliers. Research led by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIC) reveals how treasurers’ expectations and engagement with key stakeholders are evolving.
The continued acceleration of e-commerce and expansion of digital business models pivots the Treasurer’s focus from inward-looking process and logistics, to the external client interface; with connectivity and customer-centric payment acceptance at the core.
In their interaction with financial partners – from fintechs to banks – treasurers are striking a balance between security needs and novel technologies. To optimise supply chain finance, treasurers are collaborating closely with procurement teams, exploring new platforms for real-time insights and to better support their providers. Together, these activities have transformed treasury from a back-office function to a core function in a business. How can corporate treasurers stay ahead?
In this session, we will highlight The EIU’s research findings and then turn to senior treasurers who share their experience and their take on the future.
- Ole Matthiessen, Global Head of Cash Management, Deutsche Bank AG
- Melanie Noronha, Senior Editor, The Economist Intelligence Unit
- Can Balcioglu, Head of Global Risk & Legal Entity Management, Treasury, PayPal
- Bob Novaria, EuroFinance Tutor & Partner, Treasury Alliance Group
Show content of Tuesday, 28th September
Roundtable Discussion “Client Service Reimagined”
Over the last few years shifts in markets, business models and technology made Treasurers often lead fundamental change within the company. The Covid-19 pandemic has served as an accelerator in emerging financial services and retail trends, and most importantly, the digitalisation of client service. While banking is more complex and has been slower to change, corporate client service is now accelerating towards a future end-to-end client journey that is friction-free, faster, automated, digital and contactless.
In this session, leading Treasurers will have the opportunity to share their insights and opinions.
- Dennis de Weerdt, Global Head of Client Implementations, Service & Connectivity Cash Management, Deutsche Bank AG
The future of finance debate: banking is dead, long live banking
Are we truly in the midst of a financial revolution? Yes, a vast ecosystem of fintechs has emerged to exploit corporate and consumer demands for digital interaction with their money. Some of these, especially in payments (think PayPal, Alipay), short-term credit (think Klarna), and in peer-to-peer interactions (think wallets), make profits that would previously have gone to banks and credit card companies.
But all of these start-ups rely upon infrastructure built and operated by banks. They are the ultimate in cherry-picking rentiers and their existence relies upon banks’ reluctance to rekindle the spirit of collaboration that created, for example, SWIFT, VISA and consortium banking. That is changing: more than 30 of Europe’s largest banks and credit card processors have announced an initiative to create a payments giant capable of shattering a US-dominated “oligopoly”. The project has the backing of the European Commission as well as the euro area’s financial regulators. So, what about crypto and blockchain – is that the revolution? Well, governments are not going to let go of monetary control just like that. China’s latest statements on bitcoin, as well as its reigning of Alipay’s expansion into real banking, are just the most noticeable expression of regulatory unwillingness to allow the dismantling of the old financial order.
In this session key players from each side of the debate will explain why their version of the future is the right one. You get to decide who wins.
- Christof Hofmann, Global Head of Corporate & Payment Solutions, Deutsche Bank AG
- Sara Castelhano, MD & Head of Core Cash Management Product for EMEA, J.P. Morgan
- Ad van der Poel, Co-Head of Product Management GTS EMEA, Bank of America
- Karin Flinspach, Regional Head, Transaction Banking, Europe & Americas, Standard Chartered
The EuroFinance award runner-up for treasury management & process transformation: Roche
Facing the same need to increase cash visibility in Treasury and although an API solution might have seemed obvious, Roche found a simpler route to the live bank balances it was seeking to complement its earlier in-house bank and virtual account initiatives as it builds an almost real-time treasury.
This alternative – intra-day statements with the same content and accounting standard as an end-of-day SWIFT MT940, unlike an API or interim SWIFT MT942 message, and consistent with the future Camt.053 XML format – gives the Swiss pharma giant full visibility over its collections and highlights early payments.
In this session Roche will talk about its process transformation that allows Treasury to act as true business partner, implementing a fully ERP integrated end to end process, which helps in the end their patients.
- Stefan Windisch, Senior Cash Manager, Treasury Operations, Roche
- Adrian Rogers, Senior EuroFinance tutor & Director, ARC Solutions
Read our client case study here
The EuroFinance award for risk management and resilience: Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners
Behind the headlines of a drawn-out and bid, the €6bn cross-border acquisition that created Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners (CCEP) this spring was underpinned by a sophisticated currency and interest rate risk management strategy.
The deal might easily have failed. So to limit potential downside the company put in place a deal-contingent hedging package. This covered both its Australian dollar exposure on the target (Coca-Cola Amatil) and its interest rate exposure on the borrowing to fund the deal if it went through – and was able to accommodate both a credit downgrade and the eventual higher price shareholders demanded.
Here, Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners share their story.
- Cigdem Gures Erden, VP, Treasurer, Coca-Cola European Partners
Read our client case study here
e-Treasury 2.0: centralisation and innovations in pandemic times
Global treasury standardisation and centralisation are challenging at the best of times. During a pandemic and continued uncertainty, these challenges are magnified. This rapidly growing company required very fast turn-arounds and because of COVID, digitalisation became a requirement not a priority and the way the treasury team worked needed to change.
With the need to keep process flexibility, the company is building a treasury that need to survive well during the pandemic times (newly defined treasury fundamentals, simplified cash visibility and team centric approach) and offered real-time cash balances, automatic reporting and innovative tools (pooling, APIs, instant and real-time payments).
The solution showcases how partnerships, both with the business and with external partners like banks and fintechs, giving the company a host of tailored solutions in visibility, payments, accounts and FX.
- Kamil Zmorzyński, Global Head of Treasury, SumUp
- Galina Kersten, Director, Head of FinTech & Platform Sales Germany, Deutsche Bank AG
Linking finance to ESG agendas: practical examples from a world class leader
This session looks at a pioneering steel engineering company that has aligned itself with the demands of the future and the changing nature of the industry.
Climate change has forced many steel companies to address the ESG agenda but Primetals Technologies, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and other partners, has led the way with an early focus on sustainability that carries right through to the company’s financial management and its landmark hedging concept linking currency options to sustainability goals. Put into place last year, the hedging agreement enables Primetals to hedge its currency risk with FX options with its bank over a four-year period. If the company fails to meet the agreed sustainability targets, Primetals Technologies pays a predefined sum to a contractually defined non-government organisation.
The Head of Group Finance, Primetals Technologies Treasury, Jeremy Hamon will profile the Primetals’ finance journey over a five year period from no people or bank accounts to a state of the art treasury with cloud-based TMS, a payment factory and AI capabilities in operations like fraud prevention. Hamon’s presentation also shows the way forward for sustainability in the treasury and the other products they are developing for the finance team that are linked to ESG goals.
- Jeremy Hamon, Head of Group Finance, CFO, Primetals Technologies Treasury GmbH
Read our client case study here
Show content of Thursday, 30th September
Reinforce your payment fraud defence through the power of community
Every single day finance and treasury practitioners learn through bitter experience that digital payments fraud is getting more and more advanced. The vast majority of today’s technology-oriented attacks, particularly those that target large enterprises, are led by sophisticated, well-resourced and innovative fraudsters attempting to breach company defences. How can you tackle this growing threat and mitigate the risks? The answer is a multifaceted, community-driven approach to payments security, encompassing both payment fraud prevention and detection.
In this session, the panel will show how innovative data sharing among a community enables real-time fraud detection and can tackle man in the middle attacks or fake invoice attempts. See how intelligent fraud prevention by leveraging the intelligence of the crowd increases security and flexibility and how this holistic approach helps companies to stand up against sophisticated and subversive fraudsters.
- Jörg Wiemer, Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH
- Erol Bozak, Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH
- Christof Hofmann, Global Head of Corporate & Payment Solutions, Deutsche Bank AG
Show content of Friday, 1st October
Treasury transformation for growth companies
Wieland is at the heart of the major trends shaping the world today: recycling, urbanisation, globalisation and digitisation. The €5bn group is a copper and copper alloy specialist with a broad product and service portfolio that provides its customers with solutions for automotive, electronics, refrigeration, air conditioning, electromobility, connectivity and electrical equipment.
In this session, Wieland will profile its treasury function and how significant growth via M&A in North America led to a diverse cash management structure with multiple banks and different processes that demanded a consolidation in order to leverage efficiencies. The consolidation project reduced the number of its banks and onboarded SAP and SWIFT.
The successful North American roll-out was based on experiences of smaller roll-outs in Europe and further regions are already scheduled. This session will look at those transformations.
- Fabian Schwarz, Director Treasury & Corporate Finance / AR, Wieland Group
- Katrin Steinbach, Team Leader Global IT Finance & HR, Wieland Group
Experience treasury in action – join us at EuroFinance 2021 EuroFinance agenda – our handy PDF provides full details of all Deutsche Bank sessions
Treasury in action: our nine sessions covered everything from working with procurement for secure supply chains to reimagining client services
Download white paper here Client Services Reimagined
The transformation of client services in the banking sector was underway long before coronavirus impacted on our daily working and home lives. As with many other areas of both financial services and retail, the pandemic served to accelerate trends that were already evident, such as consumers and businesses taking up contactless and other new payment methods while reducing their reliance on cash
Save the date: We hope to see you in-person in 2022. The next International Treasury Management will take place September 21st - 23rd 2022 in Vienna.
Explore more
On the right track On the right track
When Jeremy Hamon took Primetals Technologies into a four-year ESG-aligned FX hedging commitment, the finance and treasury function brought the entire steel engineering business on board to ensure it performed to agreed criteria. flow's Clarissa Dann explores the remarkable journey
Bottling Success Bottling Success
Coca-Cola European Partners’ treasury team worked with Deutsche Bank to manage the FX and interest rate risk associated with the acquisition of Coca-Cola Amatil and the company’s subsequent transformation into Coca-Cola Europacific Partners. flow provides a summary of the deal
Superior vision Superior vision
For Swiss multinational healthcare company F. Hoffman-La Roche AG – aka Roche – full visibility over available intraday bank transactions is essential for its treasury department in efficiently managing cash. flow reports on how working with Deutsche Bank enabled the team to develop an enhanced intra-day statement